Friday, July 12, 2024

July Launch Bumped to Backup Date - July 27

The Horning's are pushing the next cut of alfalfa to the week of July 22, so we need to use our July 27 backup date for the launch. We apologize for the inconvenience. Continue to monitor the website, email listserv, and Discord for news and updates. The launch on the 27th will be at the Horning 1 field. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Next Launch July 20, 2024 

Based on the current crop harvesting schedule we should be able to be back at the Horning 1 field on July 20th with the 27th as a backup date if the cutting is delayed a week.

We are adding some additional parking to our Horning 1 field. Please park on either the north or south side of the old farm building.

See the Google Maps link below for the location of our Horning 1 field:

Horning #1

Our launch on June 22nd turn out to be pretty good even with the heat and winds building in the afternoon. We started early to beat the heat and got 51 rockets into the air. Thanks to all for coming out.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Next Launch Jun 22, 2024 

Based on the current crop harvesting schedule we can expect to use the Horning 1 field on June 22nd with the 29th as a backup date if the cutting is delayed a week.

Looking further ahead, we can expect to fly in July on the 20th or 27th.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Launch for May 11 Cancelled

 Due to heavy rains overnight and more rain and wind expected today we are going to have to cancel for today, May 11.

We will try again at the Horning #2 field next Saturday, May 18.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Launch set for May 11 and May 18.


Two launch dates have been scheduled in May. On May 11 and on May 18 we will be our Horning #2 field. Note that this at a different, but nearby, location than our normal Horning #1 field.

Look here for Google Maps to Horning #2:

Setup at 9:00am (please help) and flying until 5:00pm.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 Next Launch April 20, 2024 at Horning #1

We will try again for our first launch of the year on Saturday, April 20. We will be at the Horning #1 field. Setup starts about 9:00am (please help) and flying until 5:00pm.

Click the link below for Google Maps to the field:

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Launch Cancelled

The launch scheduled for this Saturday, March 23, has been cancelled due to the forecast of cold temps and high winds . We will try again at a later date.

Friday, March 15, 2024

 UPDATE: Jay from Impulse Buys and Scott from Miller Motor Works should be at the launch for all of your motor needs on the 23rd.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Next Launch March 23rd.


Spring is here (mostly) so we are getting ready to start our launch season.

Our first launch of 2024 will be March 23rd at the Horning #1 field.

Check the link for a map to the field

As usual we will have everything you need to get your rockets in the air. Just bring yourself and rockets to fly!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

 Club meeting and Holiday party set for February 3rd, 2024

The annual JMRC club meeting and potluck dinner will be on Saturday, February 3, 2024 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the Freedom Township Hall, 11508 E Pleasant Lake Rd, Manchester, MI. This is not far from the Horning #1 field. The hall will be open to us at 12:00pm so come on over anytime after.
This will be a potluck dinner so please bring a dish to pass or if you rather not bring something please consider donating $5 per person. Please see the signup sheet at:

From there you can RSVP and select what you would like to bring. There is a kitchen at the hall if you need to prepare something.

We will also be electing club officers for the year. All current officers have offered to stay on for another year but if you would like to nominate someone, including yourself, for any of the positions please send an email to Voting will take place at the meeting but an electronic ballot can be sent to you if you would like to vote but can't attend.

We will be discussing what our plans will be for 2024 so if you have any suggestions please bring it up.

We also will be having our raffle and auction but we will need donations. If you have some extra stuff in your rocket shop please bring it along and we will add it to the prize table. If you have any bigger ticket items you would like to donate we will auction it off. Highest bid wins! The auction and raffle has always been a big club fundraiser and allows us to keep our equipment in good order and pay our expenses (like porta-johns and insurance).  So please be generous!

Our famous White Elephant gift exchange! If you would like to participate please bring one wrapped gift, often less than $15 value and will will go over the rules at the party. This has been lots of fun in the past.

See you there!