
Our two founding members, Scott Miller and Roger Sadowsky, were Instructors at the Michigan Space and Science Center here in Jackson, Michigan.  They taught at the day and overnight rocket camps for many years.  Most of the groups were Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or groups from other large organizations.  The participants enjoyed learning about space history, math science and rocket science.  They built rockets which they launched on the grounds at the MI Space and Science Center on the Jackson Community College Campus.  Mostly what Scott and Roger found missing was the next step beyond the small model rockets. They purused the link between what they were launching and the larger rockets that eventually led to the Space Program.  What would be necessary to take the launches to the next level?
The first obstacle was a location to launch that had enough space to recover the rockets and that was outside of controlled airspace.  The Space Center had limited room and did not have adequate recovery area. 
In the meantime they enjoyed launching with Team One and Tripoli Michiana at Three Oaks down by the Indiana border.  Roger Coats from Tripoli Michiana and Stuart Davis from Team One were very helpful with the proper guidance in starting a club halfway between them in the southern center portion of the state.  They secured a site in Jackson near Rives Junction thanks to the Gumbert family and began the necessary steps to apply for a waiver.  Soon we were launching at our own field and our membership rapidly grew.  This location has since become our winter launch site.

We have now also secured a second site at Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, Michigan thanks to the generosity of Barry Gibbs. That facility has become our spring-fall launch site. 

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and concentrate on education in the science and math fields with local area youth. Our next goal is the expansion of our club member's expertise in the classroom and greater Jackson area. We have participated in the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) International Public Science Day 2001 competition with our first member Scott Hasbrouck, a middle school student who created the website and hosted the event at his school.  We presented two demonstrations that day and joined guest speakers Jack Lousma (retired Colonel and Astronaut on STS-3) and David Frazier (Director of the Jackson Community College Flight Center) to assist the students in their pursuit of science and how it affects our everyday lives.

We continue to grow in many ways with each new member.  We encourage our members to actively contribute to our club with their diverse talents and ideas.  We coach our younger members who are just learning the craft and support our seasoned veterans in their quest for the next level of certification.

Jackson Model Rocketry Club
Cell Phone: 269-370-7929
Email: scott@sfsmindustries.com