Friday, May 27, 2011

JMRC & MMAR May 21/22

Thanks to the Muskegon group for inviting us out to play in their sandbox, and we certainly did a lot of playing. Terry Leright certainly gave us a show flying a CTI N10,000 in a 4" carbon bird.
63G, 1,300mph, and 14,000'
I think the one stat we are missing is how long that flame is!

Tony Haga had a couple of Hybrid flights, probably the most notable of the 2 flights was the combo of Hyper-TEK and Barbie riding the Wocket to save the world from armageddon... or something like that :-)
If you have not yet seen the onboard video from BoosterVision, or want to see it again...

I guess Tony couldn't let Chris Palmer hog the spotlight with his huge Stealth flown on a Ellis J148. Tom Kurecka gave us some great flights on Sunday with some CTI 54mm motors. I know I am missing a great deal of the awesome flights that happened over the weekend, so if anyone can fill in the gaps I will gladly update the site!
