Thursday, November 11, 2021
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Next launch November 13, 2021
Thanks to all that came out to fly!
Thursday, October 7, 2021
October 9th launch Canceled!
Do to all the rain we've been getting with more on the way we are going to have to cancel our launch scheduled for this Saturday, October 9th. The field is a muddy mess so what ya gonna do?
The next launch is set for October 23rd with the Bertha contest rescheduled for November 13th.
Dang that Mother Nature!
Monday, September 20, 2021
September Launch Cancelled. Next launch October 9, 2021
We're postponing the launch again because the field still has a lot of corn on it and we can't be sure it will all be harvested by the 25th, especially with several days of possible rain this week. What we've decided to do is set the date for the next launch as October 9th which would be our normal, second Saturday of the month date. Then we will hold another launch on October 23rd, two weeks later, followed by the November launch on Nov 13th. If weather permits, we'll attempt a launch in December, but December through April is always iffy at best. Sorry, to push this out yet again, but we're at the mercy of crop harvesting. They've been cutting corn nearly every day lately. The launch will be at the Horning #2 field.
As for the Big Bertha Contest, we'll hold that on that on October 9th, so get your Big Bertha's ready!
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Next launch September 25, 2021
This will be another, bring your own gear, "misfire alley" field setup. It worked pretty well last month, just be sure to announce your launches so everyone has a heads up. We also won't have the JMRC Cafe, so pack a lunch. We will stop by the trailer and grab a wireless controller for high power launches, so if you have a HPR pad you can use the wireless set.
Friday, July 30, 2021
From our Prefect Scott Miller:
Hi Everyone,
We are still waiting for MIS to open back up to their full service offerings and our Horning's fields are being leveraged with rocket consuming crops rendering all 3 of our local fields in the out of commission state.
However, I have good news!!
Our friends over in MMAR & SMASH have offered a 2 day joint launch so CRAPSHOOT will make a 2021 appearance :-).
We have locked in the dates for CRAPSHOOT 2021 to occur in Muskegon, MI on August 14 & 15th. I know this is a long drive for several members, this was definitely taken into consideration which is why the BOD actively pursued two days with enough notice for members to make arrangements with work, travel, hotel, etc.
We are still actively pursuing launch dates at MIS but thanks to MMAR/SMASH we can post an actual launch date without that pesky "TBD" next to it.
Please mark your calendars, make necessary arrangements, and hopefully we can see everyone out at the field to get back to some semblance of normalcy.
Have I mentioned how much I appreciate MMAR/SMASH for this opportunity?
--- if not, I really appreciate the assistance for an opportunity to let our club co-host a launch :-)