Thursday, March 13, 2025

Maintenance Day March 29, 2025

We'll be doing maintenance of the trailer and launch equipment on Saturday March 29, 2025. We will meet up at Buzz's house at 10:00am and work until we get everything done or get too tired!

Lunch will be included!

Many hands make light work...

Buzz is at 5170 Reno Rd., Manchester, MI

Google Maps

New Membership Option.

If you like to fly and plan on hanging around for awhile, we now offer a five year membership for the price of four.

Launch Updates! 

So this is what we have scheduled so far for 2025:

April 11-13, Road trip to Thunderstruck in Indiana. A few of us are going and it's a great field. Thunderstruck

April 19, Regular launch at Horning #1 or #2. We'll let you know.

April 26-27, Joint launch with SMASH at the Muskegon Waste Water Facility.   Crapshoot

May 10, Regular launch at Horning #1 or #2

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Link to the Potluck signup sheet

We hope to see many of you at the party on March 8th. Here is the link to the signup sheet so we can get an idea of how many are attending and what you plan to bring.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

PotLuck and Club Meeting on March 8, 2025.

Our club party is scheduled for March 8th at the Freedom Township Hall, 11508 E Pleasant Lake Rd, Manchester. The event officially starts at 1:00pm, but you can start showing up at noon to help setup. It is a pot luck affair and the hall has a kitchen with stove, fridge, and sink if needed. There will be a business meeting as well as officer elections. We will also have a raffle and auction. You are welcome to donate items to as the money goes towards the club general operations fund. The party will conclude at 5pm.


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Mid Winter Update:

We hope everyone has had a very good Holiday season. Thought we would give folks an update on what is going on club wise.

First off, we are pleased to announce that Jay Calvert has won the latest altitude contest. The target altitude was 1898' and Jay put in a remarkable flight of 1893'. Only 3' off! Tony managed to snag 2nd place with an altitude of 1812'. Congratulations to you both.

We'll be cooking up another contest for this year so stay tuned.

We'll be having our annual business meeting/potluck/raffle/auction in March on a Saturday yet to be determined. We hope to have it at the Freedom Township hall, the same location as last year. Check back here for updates.

We are also looking for a new board member to fill a vacant seat. If you would like to be on the JMRC board please send and email to

Speaking of the BOD, the BOD will be meeting next month to discus future plans. If you have anything that you would like us to discuss please email us at and we'll add it to the agenda.

We hope to start flying again in March, depending an the weather of course. We'll let you all know when we know!

Thanks everyone for a great 2024. Let's have more fun in 2025!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Next Launch November 9, 2024

We will be at the Horning #2 field. Setup starts at 9:00am and we will fly until about 4:00pm. Get your last flights in for the altitude contest!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Launch this Saturday, October 12th at Horning #2

We will be at the Horning #2 field this Saturday. Weather looks great for October.

See you there.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Launch Moved to Horning #2!

The corn has been cut so for the remainder of the year we will be flying from the Horning #2 field. This will give us a bigger field and make for easier parking.

You can find the field by clicking the link below. It's just a short distance from Horning #1.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Launch Calendar for the rest of 2024:

September 21, 2024 at Horning #1

October 12, 2024 at Horning #1

November 9, 2024 at Horning #1

There is a chance that we may move over to the Horning #2 field later in the year so stay tuned for updates.

Click the link below for a map to Horning #1

While at Horning #1 you may park at either the north or south side of the old farm building.

And, of course, help setting up and tearing down is always appreciated!