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Become A Member Of Our Club
To become a member of the Jackson Model Rocketry Club means becoming a part of our family.  We have monthly launches and participate in many educational events.  We encourage our members to actively participate in our club projects, running for office in our annual elections, contributing to our quarterly newsletter with articles or tips, and offering services to the club in their area of expertise.  We have many members comprised of children, men, women, professionals, lay people, educators and people from many other walks of life.

You may fill out an application at a launch or request an application from one of our board members at and mail it along with a check for the annual membership dues are $30.00 for individuals 18 and over (under 17 is FREE). $40 for a family.
We also now offer a five year membership for the price of four. Send the application form and applicable fees to our mailing address of:
C/O Tony Haga
711 Wilwood Rd.
Rochester Hills, MI 48309. 

Please make checks payable to the JMRC 

Members enjoy no additional launch fees, they receive the bimonthly newsletter Total Impulse, and get to participate in club projects. Plus, they get to meet an incredible group of diverse and positive rocketeers.