Sunday, February 16, 2025

Link to the Potluck signup sheet

We hope to see many of you at the party on March 8th. Here is the link to the signup sheet so we can get an idea of how many are attending and what you plan to bring.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

PotLuck and Club Meeting on March 8, 2025.

Our club party is scheduled for March 8th at the Freedom Township Hall, 11508 E Pleasant Lake Rd, Manchester. The event officially starts at 1:00pm, but you can start showing up at noon to help setup. It is a pot luck affair and the hall has a kitchen with stove, fridge, and sink if needed. There will be a business meeting as well as officer elections. We will also have a raffle and auction. You are welcome to donate items to as the money goes towards the club general operations fund. The party will conclude at 5pm.