Thursday, March 13, 2025

Maintenance Day March 29, 2025

We'll be doing maintenance of the trailer and launch equipment on Saturday March 29, 2025. We will meet up at Buzz's house at 10:00am and work until we get everything done or get too tired!

Lunch will be included!

Many hands make light work...

Buzz is at 5170 Reno Rd., Manchester, MI

Google Maps

New Membership Option.

If you like to fly and plan on hanging around for awhile, we now offer a five year membership for the price of four.

Launch Updates! 

So this is what we have scheduled so far for 2025:

April 11-13, Road trip to Thunderstruck in Indiana. A few of us are going and it's a great field. Thunderstruck

April 19, Regular launch at Horning #1 or #2. We'll let you know.

April 26-27, Joint launch with SMASH at the Muskegon Waste Water Facility.   Crapshoot

May 10, Regular launch at Horning #1 or #2