There is certainly something to be said for having a great membership. The past couple years have been rough for the club in a few different ways; the membership dropped, launch attendence went down, and weather and field access certainly didn't help matters.
This past year we tried to make a big effort to do what we have to do to pay off the loan on our trailer... not an easy task when low turn out launch days we lose money. However, there were a couple of plans that saw fruition including the Maker's Faire which brough in a few hundred dollars towards our (PTO) Pay the Trailer Off fund. The second plan was a 3" Carbon Fiber rocket kit donated by Terry Leright which we sold 40 tickets at $25 a piece for a nice donation of $1,000 to the PTO fund.
This afternoon we had all 40 tickets sold and held the official raffle with Bob Dickinson being the lucky winner. Bob is our treasurer and gets to see first hand what our income and expenses are... after some quick calculations he figured we were $400 short of paying off the trailer completely. Bob immediately made an announcement that he would sell the kit right now for $400 so we can start the next year debt free:

Chris Palmer stepped up to that role and covered the last of our debt. A huge thanks goes out to Terry for making the extremely generous donation and Bob Dickinson for turning it right around so the kit pulled in $1400!!!
Needless to say, our Party/Meeting probably had one of the lower turn outs that I can remember for many years, but thanks to countless donations and generous members that bought raffle tickets and even bought auctioned items (some above retail prices) it turned out to be a great close of the business year for our club.
Thanks to everyone that helped us get to where we are, and hopefully next year will bring some more pleasant surprises for everyone.
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